Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Live-Action Laugh Track

As an update on the writing group... Ashely showed up at Youth Group the next night after I first talked to her--with flyers. She told me she's told everyone that she's starting a writing club. She made the announcement at Youth Group, passed out the flyers. We're meeting again tonight to get the details down, and with a little luck and a lot of persistence, we'll be starting the group next week.


Last night the community went to see a special screening of Serenity. Britton had found a stack of free tickets at some bookstore, so he grabbed enough for us. The place was packed when we got there, and they gave us a pep talk before the show, thanking whatever-it-was-production-company that made the movie for letting us all in for free. There were a few rows of press, but more importantly, scattered thoughout the audience were paid participants who laughed loudly, were loudly shocked when shocking things happened, and who cheered loudly when the good guys were doing well. It was surreal to be in a movie theatre with a live-action laugh track.

The movie itself was all right. Definitely worth the free tickets.

On the way home, we heard a report on the radio about how all across the country theatres were packed with sold-out audiences to see the special screening of the movie, and then a few people would scream, "That movie was AWESOME!!!" Then the announcer told us that the New York Times had written about the movie, and that people had waited in line for hours to get in... and I dunno, some other stuff.

It was an interesting experience, all told.

My latest addiction is Sex in the City. I'd watched two seasons of it on DVD last year when Suji was here, but now they're on TV every night. Except we don't have cable, so the versions we see are so highly edited that the once hour-long show has become a half-hour, commercials included. Every guy in the house has watched at least one episode, but it's me and Ellen who are the ones to try and make a point to watch it every day. I couldn't even explain to you why it's such an appealing show, but I like it. And even though the episodes are highly edited, I'm excited to see the first few seasons, since last year I'd watched, like, seasons 5 and 6 or something. I wanna know what happened in the beginning.

That's all I have to say right now.


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