Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Some New News

E had her baby!!! Dot was born Thursday morning. Yay!

Also, I've officially signed up for the AIDS Marathon.

Those of you who had been paying attention will remember that I had been bummed earlier in the year when I found out the official AIDS Marathon was not going to be going to Ireland this year, but to Italy. I contacted the AFC, and discussed my options, then obsessed over it for a couple months, then made my decision and acted within a couple of days time last week.

Here's the deal: I'm going to Ireland this fall.

A rep from the AFC had suggested that I train and fundraise with the Chicago AIDS Marathon group (the people who will run in Chicago this fall), and then get a plane ticket and lodging and all that stuff for Dublin on my own. And that's what I'm going to do. Those of you who know me, I'll be sending out fundraising letters soon. Don't know yet what other fundraising things I'll be doing. For the AFC I'm going to be raising at least $1,400. The trip will cost about $500ish. I think I'll include that in the fundraising, or maybe I'll put out the call for cash for birthday and Christmas presents this year. I'll figure it out. And I'll let you know.

Because, hey... can I have a dollar?


At 2:20 PM, Blogger E in Atlanta said...

hey, I still don't have my fund raising letter yet! And it's nearly your birthday!

Get better soon, Kati.

At 3:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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