Thursday, March 15, 2007

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

I feel much safer today, knowing that the mastermind behind all terrorist attacks ever has finally confessed to his depravity. And I'm glad that he was disappeared by the CIA and held in Guantanamo Bay without charge or legal council for three years. And I feel well protected by my government, knowing that this man will not receive an independent trial, but will rather be tried by military tribunal, run by the same military that tortured him before he confessed.

I'm sorry. But is anyone really buying this? The thing is, it doesn't matter anymore if this man is a terrorist, if he's done horrible things, if he is actually the worst person to ever have walked the face of this planet. It doesn't matter because we will never know these things. You can't disappear someone, and torture someone, and ever know the truth. These things take the truth away.

We will never, ever, EVER know the truth about Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. The CIA made sure of that. The United States government, with their policy of exported torture, made sure of that.

This is not just a human rights issue. There is no truth after torture. And there is no justice.

This is not what we wanted. Say that out loud, and say it often. It is time to be outraged.


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