Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Voter Fraud

Okay, go read some of this stuff:

Or if you don't have time to read and just want to look at a graph that sums it up, go here:

The thing is, there WERE massive amounts of voter fraud, and it pisses me off that people don't care. Because even if the election would have turned out the same, it still means that nobody is trying to fix things so that next time all our votes are counted.

I mean, call me young and naive, but I WAS kind of raised to believe that the American people were Free, and had these things called Civil Liberties, and that the foundation of our country was that whole No Taxation Without Representation thing, and that Our Votes Are Supposed To Matter! People are always going on about how America is still this Revolutionary country and that we stand up for our rights, etc. But, come on people, I'm losing my faith here that we even have the *potential* to stand for the ideals of our forefathers.

disgruntled citizen who will return to her regularly scheduled updates about life in Chicago as soon as she stops being so pissed off at everybody's apathy


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