Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Day I

It's about 4:30, and I haven't eaten since dinner last night. I don't feel hungry so much as I want to eat something, although the hunger has hit me in waves from time to time. It's been a pretty busy day. I had a Coalition for Adolescent Risk Reduction meeting downtown, then stopped for lunch with Michael at 8th Day. His turkey sandwich looked divine, but really, at that point, I had only skipped breakfast. I drank my lemonade and that filled me up, but I just wanted to eat.

My blood sugar has been fine, and I'm glad for that. I"m tired, but I didn't sleep well last night. I have moments when I feel as though I'm watching my life through a lens, but so far, no real problems. When I think about food, I don't think about anything else, but when I think about work, I can get by without thinking about food.

Tonight I have Theatre rehearsal, and that is always fun so I'm looking forward to it. Tomorrow night is a youth workshop before the 6:30 mass, and I've become a part of it, regardless of the fact I'm not quite sure who it's for or why it is. But I"m looking forward to that too. And plus, I get to figure out how to draw a gigantic loaf of bread, and that's always fun.

And my mood is really good. I feel positive about just about everything.

But dude, what I wouldn't give for a taco de carne asada... not that I could eat it anyway because it's Lent and I gave up eating things that had faces for Lent. But seriously. Taco de carne asada.


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