Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Melted Snow and Pissed-Offedness

It is unusually warm today. The snow from last week is melting, leaving huge puddles of water in the streets and sidewalks, overflowing the sewer system. I opted to walk as I often do, rather than take the 47 bus. It was funny, then, when the 47 bus passed me, and took it upon itself to spray grey melted snow water all over me. I laughed with a wry smile.

I'm getting back into gear at work, but I kind of feel like my boss is working against me. I don't mean that we're on a different page with what I should be doing in the last half of this, my volunteer year. I mean that I feel she is trying to keep me from really doing anything. And she's blaming me for it. She's famous for her foul moods, so I shouldn't be surprised. I should also not be surprised if everything changes tomorrow. But really, I'm so pissed off right now about the way she was treating me today. I don't know. It'll be fine. In the grand scheme of things, this is really such a minor thing.

But anyway, we're doing body language and voice exercises in Theatre right now, and I am toying with a play that I might try to put together for the summer show. I'll have until Easter to put it together before we start rehearsing. Man, Easter is so close. I can't believe how fast this year is flying by. Oh me.


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