Monday, April 24, 2006

Back in the Game

I was very sick for two weeks, but I spent the first week pretending I was hardly sick at all. But after I accomplished Good Friday, I crashed. My respiratory system and sinus pasages rebelled against me. I couldn't speak, could hardly sleep (and only sitting up), couldn't eat. I had no energy for anything but reading and watching TV. I think I have officially grown to HATE daytime television.

I finally gave in last Wednesday and went to the doctor, who gave me some meds and said I'd live, and would even get better. It was the only time I left the house last week.

But I'm better now. Back at work. And getting jazzed up for the AIDS Marathon. I hope to have my lungs well enough to start running again this weekend. Training starts on the 6th of May. I'm so very, very exited.

Most of you who know me have received a request for support. If I missed you, drop me a line. Or, if you have ideas for other people I should contact, or ideas for fundraising, drop me a line.

Here's the hot skinny:

For 6 months, starting May 6th, I'm going to be in a marathon training program with the AIDS Foundation of Chicago. I'm training with the Chicago Marathoners, but I"m actually going to be running in the Dublin Marathon, which is one week after the Chicago Marathon. I'm going to Dublin by myself, and not with the AIDS Marathon people, because they're actually going to be going to Italy this year and not Ireland. But I want to go to Ireland, so I'm gonna.

Through July, I'm going to be fundraising for the AFC with the Chicago Marathoners. My absolute minimum goal for the AFC is $1,400, but I hope to raise more than that. Also, if anyone wants to donate to me personally to help with the costs of the Dublin trip, that would be way-cool. The trip is going to cost between $500 and $600. No, seriously. That's all.

My master plan is that I'll get to stay at the Catholic Worker House in Dublin (whom I've not contacted yet), but if that doesn't work out, I'll bed down in a hostel, because I'm low maintenance, have stayed in hostels before, and have not seen the movie Hostel.

At any rate, my starting rate for donation acceptance is $1, because a lot of the people I know here in Chicago are volunteers, or teenagers, or just generally poor. So seriously, if you're reading this thinking, "Hey, I'd like to help, but I'm broke," I would like you to look into your hearts, or wallets (wherever it is you keep your money) and see if you have five dollars to spare. Although twenty would be better. :)

Yeah. I'm bouncing, I'm so excited. I've got some new running shoes, just broken in. I've got a dream. And I've got a plan.

What more is there?

peace out, loves,


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