Saturday, June 26, 2004

I say tomato, you say tomate

Summer flu sucks.

Been sick all week, and still tried to go into work most days, because, hey, that's me. The women I work with said that I should fry a tomato and put it on the soles of my feet, and wrap it all up. They said it would pull the fever down (and, separately, each one of them did the exact same hand gesture to indicate this) and they also said that it would help my throat.

So I did. Not so much because I thought it would work, but because I had told them I would when they kept pestering me about it. Right before I went to bed, I cut a tomato in half and fried it (which everyone agreed smelled really good) and then wrapped it onto the soles of my feet. About 3 that morning, my fever finally broke. And the next day my throat didn't hurt anymore, although I was stuffed up so that I couldn't breath. I guess you need something else for that.

Other things have happened too, but I don't feel like talking about any of it just now. So you'll have to wait.


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