Wednesday, June 09, 2004


It's really not that hot here. It's only say, high eighties. I think we dipped just slightly into the nineties yesterday... maybe again today. Really not that hot.

And it IS humid, but I like it humid.

But I"m also really used to there being air conditioner everywhere, and there's just not here. And in the computer lab, there's not even windows, so it's really friggin' hot.

But enough about that.

I want everyone to go to...

And then click on the Lakeshore Marathon and Half-Marathon, and then type in 762 in the bib number box.

And then admire me.

Things have been cool at work lately. I've been busy, although not doing stuff I"m used to doing. Most of what I"m working on now is setting things up for summer. So I'm not working as much with the youth currently, and that kind of sucks. But I"m really really excited about the theatre program. Have I mentioned that yet? A couple dozen times? It's gonna be so cool. My main concern is getting people there- because sometimes people just don't know what's going on in the neighborhood. But it's gonna be way-cool.

And I've been working on the HOPE Program Posters. I got to a point where I just didn't know how to go any further with photoshop, so I recruited Rolando, who does graphic designing things for the church's website and stuff like that- and he did a spectacular job finishing one of the posters for me. He was going to finish the other too, but word now is that he is perhaps no longer working here, and I'm not quite sure what to do about that.

I've also been gardening with some of the youth here in this garden lot across the street from the church. I don't know when the next date for that is. Need to talk to Sr. Angie about it.

I've also been (surprise) writing like a mad woman lately. It's fun. New story 1/3 way done, further development on other long term projects, and two new songs. Good ones, too, I'm told.

And I got to go see the Prisoner of Azkaban yesterday afternoon. Fabian and I went to the theatre that offers free popcorn on Tuesday Matinees. It's a great movie for the book. Michael said he was jealous because I had this fantasy escapism world that has been translated well on the big screen, but comic books- the movies all suck. He said, "They ruined the Punisher! I mean, how the hell are you going to ruin the Punisher? It's just a guy who shoots people!"

Bad luck there. But really, if you don't want to see the Prisoner of Azkaban, just send me the money you would have used to see it, and I'll go see it in your place. It's kind of like charity, except that I benefit, and not people with real need.


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