A few facts...
Ezra thinks I should have kids. His friend agrees. Ezra donated $2 to the AIDS Foundation, but wouldn't pay me to draw him.
I bruised up my hands in the lake. Throwing a frizbee. It's like, the least dangerous sport, but my hands were black and blue all week from a Memorial Day frizbee game. The lake was friggin' cold (but I've been in colder). It felt good after awhile, though. I never submerged.
That evening I ate a very gritty cheeseburger. It was tasty. And crunchy. It had dropped on the pavement during a freak flipping accident. It was not my fault, but I claimed it anyway.
I'm narrowing in on what I'll be doing next year. It's looking really good right now. I'll keep you posted.
My back is killing me. I pulled a muscle last night, and it decided to get so much worse for no reason suddenly this afternoon. I"m supposed to run 7 miles in the morning. I think I'll go lay down forever.
My hair is almost normal looking again. Give me another day or two and it'll stop being upwards of four colors, and instead be a nice, neutral brown. I'm not sure if I'm entirely excited about that.
I checked out pictures of elephants from the library this afternoon, so I can get my alabaster elephant perfect. Still need sand for my sandbags. I'm thinking of just using beach sand, but I've been warned it'll stain my alabaster. Trying to figure out ways around that... plastic or something... dunno. We'll see.
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
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