Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Big News

A.K.A. "Kati is the Luckiest Person on Earth"

So, it turns out that I'll be going to grad school at the University of Hawaii this fall. And yes, that IS the one that's in Hawaii, oddly enough. This fall, Michael and I are moving to Honolulu. I'll have a teaching assistantship and a tuition waver and we'll be living in paradise. And Michael will be able to get in-state tuition immediately because of my assistantship (employee of school system, and all).

I really just can't wrap my mind around this one. I'm getting all the practical concerns together, but it just doesn't quite seem real. People keep saying that Michael and I are the last two people they ever thought would live in Hawaii. And I keep thinking, Dude, no kidding. How can this be my life? It doesn't make sense.

But it's so exciting. And I guess because it's me, I think about things like how expensive it'll be, and it makes me feel better, like I'm not just going to float around in heaven for a few years. Like I'll still be earning this really awesome thing, somehow.

I'm elated with this. I'm insane with excitement when I dream too much. I mentally scroll through my things and figure out what I'll take, what I'll donate to the pantry, what I'll box up and throw in my parents' attic with our books. It's wonderful times we live in. And lucky for me, I'm the lucky one.



At 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I pray you will continue your dedication to the poor and you will keep in your prayers those that you leave behind.
You have been blessed, I pray you really enjoy Hawaii.


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