Wednesday, November 16, 2005

It's Nov. 16th and It Snowed Today

That was for the sake of posterity, so that next year when it gets to be cold like a Tennessee girl should never experience, I won't be wandering around saying things like, "Is it normal for it to snow on November 16th?"

I've been so tired these past few days. Slept 10 hours last night. 11 the night before. And no, that's not normal for me. But I felt good today. Then I had a long argument over IM about immigrants and racism and The Way The World Is, and I'm exhausted now. Emotionally exhausted, I guess. I have youth group in two hours and I'm rethinking that whole "giving up caffeine" thing I decided last night in one of my famous spur-of-the-moment decisions. We'll see how that goes.

Tonight I'm in charge of prayer at youth group, and I've come up with this activity about Everyday Luxuries, with kind of a Thanksgiving theme. I've also got a song to go along with it, by the Lunachicks, called Luxury Problem. And this is the very exact reason that I should not be a role model. First off, because I am about to willingly and purposefully play a song with swear words in it to a bunch of teens and preteens, which would probably make Daena cringe. And secondly, I'm going to censor it, and I don't believe in censorship. God, what a f--king hypocrite I am! See! There I go again! Fuck.

Anyway, I got a comment about a previous entry, so let me take a moment to answer a question. Ahem.

The telling off went well enough. One girl immediately denied she'd been laughing about that, and another girl immediately tried to spread the blame around by pointing out all the other people who had laughed at him, including the first girl. Of special note is that I had also been steeling myself for a confrontation with this second girl's parents, who were sitting right next to her. But as soon as I began telling her it was not okay, they both turned their heads very determinedly away.

I did feel better afterward, but I also felt I should have done more--stopped it while it was happening, rather than waiting. Also, I was left unsettled by how scared I had been to confront it at all.

Anyway, I appreciate your comment. And you're right, there are many ways that discrimination manifests itself in our society as well as all over the world. And it's hard to find the line where tolerance itself becomes unacceptable--for instance, I would be hard pressed to defend the cultural practices of female circumcision. So yes, there is a lot to think about. There is a lot to do.


At 11:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you just love snow? *purr* I found it came so late this yearr..

Did it help you catch up on sleep? Maybe you're getting sick?

Did you learn anything from the argument though? Find anything you hadn't considered before? Hope you sleep well tonight then. I always sleep well when I'm emotionally/physically drained.

Giving up caffiene? Well.. If you want to.. Apples perk you up more then coffee would? And they taste better. ^^ If you don't want to drink coffee (rather then just cutting out caffiene)..Hot chocolate is always delicious.. Especially with a bit of mint tea. (if you like chocolate.. and mint)
If you really want to stop though, good luck. People don't need stimulants.. though I've heard most people feel crabby for the first week o rso..

In this country, teens, and pre-teens are exposed to profanity anyawys. Whats the most that would happen? Say you're not welcome to lead a group thing again?
Bah, censorship sucks..
Maybe they'll be encouraged to go listen to the unedited version.

Don't feel special for being a hypocrit.. I don't think I've ever met a human thats not.

Thank you for answering my question. I think thats kind of sad that their parents didn't say anything if they didn't agree with it... Heh.. Thats so funny how people don't like taking responsibility for their actions. I mean, geez, what would have happened to them if they had admitted that yes, they were laughing at him for such and such a reason? Whats the point in being racist if you can't even back it up? Well, I bet they felt guilty afterwards, or at least ashamed so they probably won't do that type of thing again in the future? You're such a promoter of thought!

Do you think you'd feel that unsettled if you were to come upon a similar situation? Especially since nothing really negative happened? You had your reasons for not wanting to confront them while they were laughing.. and maybe they would have just scratched you off, not taking you seriously?

For me.. Tolerance is acceptable up to the point where things start infringing on human rights. (ie. With female circumcision, the girls don't choose it).. and so long as your choices don't hurt other people..
Ugh.. In North America, I find that theres tons of cultural practices that I are inhumane. The fact that we exploit so much cheap labour...Why can't a community as a whole show big corporations that we find their methods undesirable, and just live without the goods for a while?

Well have a good week. and happy world-saving!

At 8:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blah.. Today I learned about bride burnings (in India).. and.. Argh.. I just wonder how that could be socially acceptable anywhere?

Whats your take on it?


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