Last time I saw snow: April 23rd
First time this year I smelled cut grass: April 27th
I mean, really, people. Snow on April 23rd?! Snow?! on April 23rd?!
Michael kept saying, "I don't know why you're surprised. It snowed in May last year." Well, if it did, I blocked it out of my memory because that *certainly* should never happen. Ever.
And April 27th is rather late in the year for the first whiff of cut grass, but then, I"m not really around grass too much here in chicago. There's, um, a bit where I wait for the bus when i'm coming home, and I walk past some corporation with a lawn some days... but... I think that's about it for my grass-exposure here in Concreteville.
Working like crazy lately, and it's not gonna slow for awhile. It's a good kind of busy, though, although it means all my side projects have slowed to a halt. I wrote a play. 76 pages. KinT likes it. He's the only of my theatre kids who's read it yet, or at least talked to me since reading it. We're going to perform it on June 26th.
I don't know yet what we're gonna be doing this fall. We should hear back about the Darst Center job this week. And we'll know about the Franciscan Partners in the next couple, I think. I'll keep you all posted on that.